Bye Bye Covid – The coronavirus solution they don’t want you to know…
Bye bye Covid is more than a book, it is full of shocking stories told by contributors mostly doctors, military and journalists who testify from the first line an irrefutable…
Bye bye Covid is more than a book, it is full of shocking stories told by contributors mostly doctors, military and journalists who testify from the first line an irrefutable…
Senior Research Scientist at MIT, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, discusses a Paper she co-authored with Peter McCullough titled "Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and…
"Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," the movie that exposes one of the biggest public health scandals of all time. Watch the full documentary. Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is…
Although Covid-19 might be fading away, the Death by vaccine mandates, forced genetically altering therapeutics for every manufactured disease, and the total surveillance of human activity by digital ids agendas,…
Dr. Peter A. McCullough joins Del Bigtree in the studio for a dive into the science of vaccinating for Covid. Vaccinating children for Covid- risk benefit analysis and Are we…
"I have had the honor of being interviewed on many platforms and by many producers regarding the C19 injections. While the interviews have reached millions around the globe, in full-disclosure,…
A group of international lawyers and a judge, are conducting a criminal investigation modelled on the grand jury proceedings to present to the public all available evidence of past crimes…
The division between the 'Get Vaccinated or else' and the 'no way Jose AntiVaxers' is very clear, the reasons and paths leading to each position are explored by many the…
The game of Russian Roulette people the world over are being forced to play with their health is finally unraveling. Could the cause of the vast disparity in peoples post…
Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD…
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 including the idea of mRNA vaccines, the original proof of principle…
Reports of alarming uptick in aggressive cancers post-Covid vaccination are piling up. Pathologist Ryan Cole, MD, discusses the available science and his lab’s findings. Stabilizing the code by DR…
On sep 17th 2021 FDA The vaccine advisory committee debated and voted on the Pfizer and BioNTech's application of booster shots for the general public. The vote comes as some …
Thanks to a whistleblower that came forth to Attorney Thomas Renz, the public is now seeing, for the first time ever, hard data from the largest database available in the…
Why do vaccine shots pose serious physical, mental, and behavioural dangers in humans? Raymond Obomsawin gives a historical overview of human attempts to create immunity, artificially, via vaccination. He explores…
A leaked slide show presentation from the Department of Defence, shows that Covid-19 shots are not meeting experts’ expectations. The leaked document which was first reported on by attorney Tom…
In this 30 min presentation Doctor Bryan Ardis takes us through the reason why death rate from Covid-19 is higher in the US than any other country. He attributes it…
Dr. Tess Lawrie researcher and consultant to the World Health Organisation has decided to speak out in protest against the current medical establishment at considerable personal risk, as her main…
It is one thing to analyse statistics... We can talk about it until we are blue in the face... But real story telling from a first hand witness is unparalleled.…
Del Bigtree of The Highwire interview of financial expert and former White House official, Catherine Austin Fitts is full of extraordinary details, that would make the hair at the back…
Dr Young put all 4 shots under the microscopes and confirms: Graphene Oxide is present in all 4 shots as well as other toxic compounds, metals and deadly parasites, as…
From mobile phones to glasses, then watches, next are tech tattoos that open doors, turn on devices, answer calls and more... Was it random technological progression, or a planned act…
Canadian viral immunologist and vaccine researcher Dr. Byram Bridle told Ingraham of fox news about the claim that we are in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, or that the unvaccinated…
An internal presentation from the CDC obtained by the Washington Post demonstrates the agency struggles to communicate the vaccine efficacy, as increased breakthrough infections rise among vaccinated people. Few days…
In this extraordinary interview Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the Vaccine Mind Control and Coronavirus 'CONSPIRACY' Dr. Lee Merritt of talks about the dangers of taking the coronavirus…
Jefferey Jaxen takes us on a journey through Fauci’s early involvement with gain-of-function experiments, through his on and off camera persona during the Covid19 pandemic, based on the recent release…
Dr David Martin in a brilliant and highly entertaining lecture takes us on a historical tour through the lens of Life Insurance companies, who in his view are the hidden…
Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters with revelation regarding the 'magnetism' videos circulating in social media of people sticking metal objects or magnets to themselves. The CDC published on their…
"For FDA to issue an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or…
To make billions flogging experimental Gene Therapy as a vaccine and never take any responsibility for the outcomes, follow the FDA Criteria to get Emergency Use Authorization for your product.…
This is a sobering discussion about the pandemic, the known and suppressed effective treatments and the unsafe and ineffective COVID vaccines. BlackHorse Podcast host Dr. Bret Weinstein - an evolutionary…
The interviews below are not the faint hearted, it is a deep dive into the science of the mRNA Vaccine and what physical reaction, effects, symptoms and disease may follow…
It took 18 months for mainstream media to acknowledge the obvious reality of a lab created virus ... If I could could find and publish the paper trail of this…
Oh no, it has been rebranded to more prestigious term now it is an 'hypothesis'. Nicholas Wade is a science writer, editor, and author who has worked on the staff…
Governments' adverse side effects reporting systems the world over show a plethora of side effects ranging from aches and pains to death, all resulting from the highly publicised experimental gene…
Viral videos on social media piling up, showing people attaching magnets to their COVID-19 injection site It is highly interesting watching these videos; In some cases one can see how…
Dr Peter McCullough is interviewed by Alex Newman Senior Editor of The New American magazine. In this interview Dr. Peter McCullough warned that the COVID shot was already causing thousands…
Dr Richard Fleming a Cardiologist, Nuclear Cardiologist, Certified in Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Juris Prudence Doctor of Law, Researcher, Inventor and Author interviewed here by Miles Johnston exploring evidence that…
Martin Byrne BL sits down with founding members of the World Freedom Alliance to discuss the implications of lockdowns, the Covid-19 vaccine and the Great Reset. Part 3 - Professor…
Wolfgang Wodarg a doctor, a public health official, member of the German parliament and later the Council of Europe where he served as the president of a subcommittee on health.…
When an industry insiders come out with statements against the grain - we should definitely listen up! Doing so, do not profit them in any way shape or form. In…
Dr. Philip McMillan's interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, took place on March 6th 2021 on linkedin, sending shockwaves across the world. Dr Greet's warning could not be dismissed as…
Alex Newman interviewed Dr. Lee Merrit, a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), where she outlines how Coronavirus and the mRNA vaccines could be weaponised…
If you knew there are easy, early treatments for COVID19, would you agree to be subjected to an experimental gene therapy? Probably not! The story of yet another suppressed early…
"We have uncovered enough information and evidence to show that the death counts have been grossly inflated, that the PCR tests are meaningless, and that the myth of asymptomatic transmission…
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions; It's easy to dominate this world - all one needs is a philanthropic foundation When Bill Gates died he was met…
What can you do to help yourself if you get COVID-19 symptoms? It depends who you ask! If we rely on the official information in the UK for example: You…
The Universal Antidote Documentary was released on February 1, 2021. It is an excellent source of historic and current references on the discovery, research, patents and vast successful applications and…
This exclusive documentary series is airing FREE for a limited time from today. I am sharing this important documentary and hope it would be watched worldwide by as many people… A medicinal plant called Artemisia annua (or sweet wormwood) has been used in China to treat malaria for 2,000 years and is still grown by farmers in Africa. But…
Dr. Simone Gold is blowing the whistle on the COVID-19 pandemic. "AFLDS founder Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, “the doctor who went viral,” is a board-certified emergency physician and author…
In this video Dr David Martin is discussing the legal definitions of vaccines, and whether the products currently being marketed as such meet this definition. Butterfly of the Week, is… In this brilliant lecture, Zach Murphy presents the association between Vitamin D levels and COVID-19. He touch on all the current evidence available on the association between Vitamin D…
"Two mice are talking to each other, One mouse saying to the other: Are you going to take the vaccine? the other replied: Are you crazy they didn't…
A presentation by Marc Van Ranst, a prominent Belgian virologist in which he details his experiences as the country’s flu commissioner in 2009. The full video here showing Van Ranst…
A study titled 'Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China' was published on 20 Nov 2020. The aim of the study carried out by…
David E. Martin, PhD - takes us step by step forensically exploring the Corona Virus Patents timeline with all the complexities and irregularities highlighted in no uncertain terms. The interview which…
Catherine Austin Fitts publisher of The Solari Report outlines in the interview above a plan to use the current health care crisis to engineer a total remake of world currencies…
Anyone with an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, chronic Lyme disease, anybody with an acquired immune deficiency from any pathogens and environmental toxins, those are the people…
In the last few weeks Coronavirus Variants are the big news. Xmas has been canceled, UK and other countries are back to harsh locked-down and unlicensed vaccines are approved for…
Dr. Carrie Madej tells it as it is. This is not some sci fi fantasy, it is a reality here and it now. More hereDr. Carrie MadejYoutube ChannelBit Chute Channel
Dr. Carrie Madej tells Dr. Andrew Kaufman stories of some unusual experiences from her time as a medical student throughout her years of professional career which contribute and shaped her…
All over the world people are being instructed to wear face masks. Where and when we should be wearing them, may be different from country to country, but generally in…
Did the Gates Foundation Actually Sterilize Hundreds of Thousands of Young Girls in India? ISE Media founder and award-winning investigative journalist Ben Swann interviews Plandemic documentary creator Mikki Willis for…
Did they know in advance? Moderna Pharmaceuticals 9 months before the official emergence of Covid-19, Includes a the following statement: "[0011] Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged in China…
Plandemic I On May 4th, 2020, as part 1 of a documentary series called Plandemic, Mikki Willis released an interview with whistleblower Dr Judy Mikovits. Analysis by multiple independent groups…
The media is having a field day ridiculing Donald Trump statements to the press about the use of UV light and a disinfectant in the treatment of Covid-19. Dig a…
In this presentation Kerri Rivera takes us through the chemistry science of Chlorine Dioxide. It covers research papers into the efficacy of it, its uses, patents that uses it and…
Research team at Nankai University finds the new virus SARS-CoV-2 has mutated gene similar to those found in HIV and Ebola which makes it is far more likely to bond…
We all know colds and flues mostly occur during cold weather. There is a simple reason for it - those kind of viruses can not survive hot temperatures! SARS-CoV-2, the…
When I heard the first official announcement regarding Herd Immunity, my brain was doing a few flip flops in disbelief.Herd Immunity? Is there even such a thing? First time I…
Is 5G = COVID19? Dana Ashlie certainly thinks so. In a compelling presentation she makes the connection point by point. The video log is covering many topics. At…
Every day we can make a choice; Do we take the Red Pill and free our mind? Or choose the blue pill and live in blissful ignorance? But in times such as we find ourselves right now, the opportunity to examine our perception of reality really comes to life. Is this a pandemic? Is it nature? Or is it man playing GOD in experiments which went very wrong? Lets find out…