Could mRNA kill shots induce prion diseases; Alzheimer, Dementia, CJD & ALS

Senior Research Scientist at MIT, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, discusses a Paper she co-authored with Peter McCullough titled “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs exploring how mRNA shots could be causing widespread illness and death.


During this interview Dr Seneff explain the finding discussed in the paper which was just published (in April 2022) by Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, and Peter A McCullough. Dr Seneff and Bigtree go into a detailed and illustrative exploration of Prion Proteins and the mechanism by which they induce neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer, Dementia, CJD & ALS.

Although much of the interview focus on prion, the study looks at other diseases and excess death which are exploding with each dose and booster.


The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the widely perceived public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease had no precedent, but desperate times seemed to call for desperate measures. The mRNA vaccines utilize genetically modified mRNA encoding spike proteins. These alterations hide the mRNA from cellular defenses, promote a longer biological half-life for the proteins, and provoke higher overall spike protein production. However, both experimental and observational evidence reveals a very different immune response to the vaccines compared to the response to infection with SARS-CoV-2. As we will show, the genetic modifications introduced by the vaccine are likely the source of these differential responses. In this paper, we present the evidence that vaccination, unlike natural infection, induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. We explain the mechanism by which immune cells release into the circulation large quantities of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage. We show evidence from adverse event reports in the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.”


Studies mentioned in this interview:

Figure 1. Putative G-quadruplex structures in human PrP mRNA. (A) Schematic representation of the mature PrP 23-230. Black boxes represent RNAbinding motifs. The peptide sequence of the five ORs is shown with the nucleotide sequence of the first three repeats depicted below. Guanines capable of forming G-quadruplexes are shown underlined/in red. (B) Cartoon showing the formation of G-quadruplexes structures in the presence of potassium ions. Hydrogen bonds between guanines are shown as dashed red lines. Connecting loops within G-quadruplexes are indicated by solid blue lines. (C) RNA constructs corresponding to different regions of the first OR which were used in this study.
Published in Nucleic acids research 2014 G-quadruplexes within prion mRNA: the missing link in prion disease? R. Olsthoorn
Exosome Determinants of Physiological Aging and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases Marianna D’Anca1, Chiara Fenoglio1*, Maria Serpente1, Beatrice Arosio2, Matteo Cesari2,3, Elio Angelo Scarpini1,4 and Daniela Galimberti4,5

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Martha

    Del, you are fooling yourself to not believe this vax is a bioweapon designed for the eugenics program within which Bill Gates is deeply entrenched. All vax were designed as bioweapons, they have incrementally gotten more deadly and the incremental increase has grown exponentially to the point where there is no doubt about their agenda. Research Agenda 2020, 2030 and everything that Gates and Fauci have taken part.
    To help people heal from the shot obviously begin detoxing and then begin a carnivore diet. Dr. Anthony Chaffee, Dr. Ken Berry and others have great videos on youtube in regards.
    Stephanie Seneff is a brilliant researcher with amazing credentials. I thoroughly enjoy listening to her!

  2. Linda Dussault

    Excellent discussion, thank you. Passing on this info to many in my family.

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