MMS – 28% solution of sodium chlorite, can also be used to make a disinfectant spray. The spray may be considered as a “none wipe spray” because one does not have to wipe up the excess or rinse sprayed areas with water.
This disinfectant spray is considered safe for use on and around foods and with proper use it can be sprayed around people and pets. The active ingredient in the spray – Chlorine Dioxide, has been used in the commercial meat and food processing arena for years.
When activated properly MMS (28% sodium chlorite solution) will transform into chlorine dioxide solution and will kill pathogens in the external environment just as it kills pathogens internally without harming the higher organisms – the host that use it – human and pets.
How to make MMS disinfecting spray
you will need:
- 1 litter of water (* distilled, purified, filtered or tap water)
- Citric Acid Solution
* Tip – The purer the water the longer the disinfectant spray will keep it’s potency. Tap water can be used, but it will be degraded by the concentration of impurities in the water. If you have no access to distilled water you can always use MMS to purify your tap water first and then use it to make the spray
Mix MMS Disinfecting Spray
- First acidify the water by adding 5 drops of 50% citric acid solution to 1 litre of water
- Add 10 drops of MMS to the acidified water
- Store in the fridge to allow it to set 24 hours before using it giving the MMS plenty of time to activate
This solution has a shelf life of about 30 days, when mixed with distilled water and stored in the fridge.