How to use MMS for water purification

How can MMS purify water?

Sodium Chlorite is the main ingredient in MMS. When MMS is activated with citric acid solution, or lemon, or lime, the Sodium Chlorite is transformed into Chlorine Dioxide. It is the chlorine dioxide that kills pathogens and neutralizes most metals.

2 to 4 drops of activated MMS are sufficient to purify 1 gallon (3.8 litter) of water. The water will be safe to drink after 10 minutes.

At this concentration of chlorine dioxide, the water has no added health benefits, except that heavy metals and bacteria are gone and therefore do not pose a health threat.

Purifying 1 gallon (3.8 litres) of water

Using MMS and 50% citric acid solution
  • Mix 2 drop of MMS
  • 2 drops of 50% citric acid solution
  • Add the activated MMS to a gallon of water
  • Wait 10 minutes for the activated MMS to purify the water
  • Water is ready and safe to drink
Using MMS and lemon or lime or 10% citric acid solution
  • Mix 2 drop of MMS
  • 10 drops of lemon, lime, or 10%  citric acid solution
  • Wait 3 minutes for the MMS to get activated
  • Add the activated MMS to a gallon of water
  • Wait 10 minutes for the activated MMS to purify the water
  • Water is ready and safe to drink

To speed up the purifying action, you can activate the MMS with extra drops of citric acid solution, lemon or lime. You can use up to five extra drops of lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution to the MMS, before adding it to the water.

* To activate MMS using 50% citric acid solution -Use equal number of drops of both MMS and 50% citric acid solution. In this case 2 drops of MMS + 2 drops of 50% citric acid solution

* To activate MMS using lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution  -Use 5 drops of  either lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution for every 1 MMS drop . In this case 2 drops of MMS + 10 drops of either lemon, lime juice, or 10% citric acid solution.


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