Kerri Rivera and Dr. Andreas Kalcker at AutismOne 2014
Originally the playlist below contained 2 videos unfortunately both were deleted from youtube. So far I found only Dr. Andreas Kalcker presentation
2 very detailed presentations Kerry Rivera covers healing protocols and Dr. Andreas Kalcker digs into the science of how and why MMS is a useful tool in our medicine tool box
on the morning of May 24th 2014 Dr. Andreas Kalcker spoke at the autism 1 conference in Chicago his talk was preceded by Carrie Rivera’s presentation which ended in a rather emotional and most definitely positive manner Rachel a child who recovered from autism spoke of her experience nine years “we started a CD and in summer 2013 my mom told me that I was recovered I have a normal life I have friends at school and I’m doing well I’m getting good grades and I hang out with my friends and we have fun together.”
Andreas was emotionally impacted from actually seeing the results of the CD autism team in person.
Dr. Andreas Kalcker is a biophysicist known around the world by doctors and scientists as a man who asked the questions that no one else dares to ask and, not only does he ask the questions that no one else dares to ask, but he’s answering them as well. He’s the lead researcher in chlorine dioxide and he is the creator of the parasite protocol that has literally revolutionized autism biomed and his help sparked the movement that led to these 133 children losing their diagnosis of autism.
Kerri Rivera the autor of “Healing the Symptoms known as Autism and Beyond” presented shares a summary of the biomedical protocol that has led to the recovery of 133 children (as of May 2014) from the diagnosis of autism. It includes information on diet, chlorine dioxide, the Kalcker Parasite Protocol, gentle chelation, hyperbarics and GcMaf. She also shares many success stories of children who are now off the spectrum and others who are approaching recovery. There is a special appearance by 10-year-old Rachael, (Recovery #122) who eloquently shares with the audience how she feels now that she is recovered.