Andreas Kalcker Protocols

For those who are encountering this information for the first time and know nothing about Chlorine Dioxide, its uses and the people who brought it into the light, keep on reading this short intro. 

The use of Chlorine Dioxide was popularised by Jim Humble who initially discovered it can successfully treat malaria. He called it MMS ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’

Andreas Kalcker a biophysical researcher was sceptical at first, tried it and was very surprised how fast it cured his arthritis.

In 2012, Dr. Kalcker developed a new process creating a purer chlorine dioxide solution known as CDS. It offers remarkable improvements over the traditional two-component solutions.

Below you may find links to a variety of CDS protocols.

Protocol A is suitable for beginners or those who are uncertain about how to start using CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) and wish to start with a low dose and increase gradually. 

Detoxification and option for people who cannot or do not want to ingest CDS orally.


Treatment of several conditions and detox. Protocol C is the most used standard protocol considered very safe and can be combined with other non-oral protocols such as E, D, B, K, R, etc.

Treatment of skin infections and skin problems, including resistant MRSA.( Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

Enemas Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, chronic liver diseases, cancer, parasitosis and specific health problems.

Treatment of sudden malaise, such as intoxications, fever, or unknown bacterial or viral diseases.

Treatment for only external ear infections and skin conditions. For inner ear infections, see protocols C and J of undiluted CDS drops in the ear for 30 seconds.

To prevent contagions and respiratory infections, as well as to treat pulmonary conditions.

Treatment of insect bites and other skin conditions. Relieving pain and reducing swelling caused by stings.

Oral treatment to maintain hygiene and treat oral infections. Can be used in/after dental surgery, preventing osteomyelitis and infections may minimise the need for antibiotics.

To prevent contagions and respiratory infections, as well as to treat pulmonary conditions.

Treatment of skin diseases, wounds, and conditions that require in-depth treatment. CDS combined with DMSO

Treatment of malaria using CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution).  highly effective in treating malaria and is less likely to cause vomiting or diarrhea compared to the classical protocol. 

Designed for the safe and effective use of CDS in young people. It ensures an adequate dilution of CDS. It is adapted according to the amount of liquid that the child or adolescent can ingest.

Preparation of eye/nose drops  use with CDS (Chlorine Dioxide) is useful for treating various ocular conditions and sinusitis. It can be applied to both eyes and nose, especially in cases of flu or sinusitis.

intensive parasites treatment uses means that attack the parasites directly. Make sure this protocol is appropriate for the situation and consult with a health care professional before starting any treatment.

Treatment of burns using CDS in saline (NaCl 0.9%). Used for common burns caused by fire, as well as electrical, chemical or radiation burns. It relieves the pain immediately.

Rectal administration of a CDS suitable for conditions such as prostate or rectal colon cancer, as well as for treating anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other rectal conditions. 

 Sensitive Protocol, is for extremely sensitive individuals or those with chemical allergies who cannot tolerate chlorine dioxide (CDS)

Terminal Protocol, is reserved for cases of severe and terminal illness in which conventional medicine has not been effective. 


Urgency Protocol treat urgent medical situations, such as food poisoning, infection, fever, sudden vomiting, severe diarrhea, severe malaise with no apparent cause, or other health emergencies. 

Vaginal Protocol useful  treating female genital problems; HPV, candidiasis, mycosis, polyps, cervical cancer, myomas, cystitis, human papillomavirus and other renal or sexually transmitted problems.

Protocol W, deals with a wide range of additional uses of CDS Ear Cleaning, Dark Circles and Tired Eyes, Body Odor, Tooth Brushing, Foot Baths and more

Protocol X is designed to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of infection during sexual intercourse. This protocol has proven to be effective and safe. 

this protocol is for the exclusive use of healthcare professionals. For more information contact email 

Protocol Z involves the use of microcurrent frequency generators or cold plasma pulses, such as the Biotrohn® and Plasmatron®, for recovery and wellness. 

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