Bye Bye Covid – The coronavirus solution they don’t want you to know…

Bye bye Covid is more than a book, it is full of shocking stories told by contributors mostly doctors, military and journalists who testify from the first line an irrefutable reality, that those in power do not want you to know.

They are not only stories, they are hundreds of thousands of lives saved and the solution to this senseless plandemia that we are all suffering, we can make a change by saving lives together, as this book is indicated for those who have doubts about the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide (CDS).


Bio-Physicist Dr Andreas Kalcker joins Laurence Easeman to discuss Chlorine Dioxide, the substance he’s spent the last 14 years studying, also called the Universal Antidote.

Dr Kalcker had build upon Jim Humble discovery and developed a method to distill Chlorine Dioxide into a purer Solution known as CDS. Chlorine Dioxide is a gas which which can penetrate deep into the body, and has an incredible ability to target and oxidise pathogens and toxins, oxygenate the blood and all of that without damaging healthy cells or leaving behind harmful substances. Reading the body of pathogens and toxins allows the body to heal itself from all kinds of ailments. Testimonial are abundant… 

Having one substance that can deal with many diseases, will never be accepted by the established institutions and industries that stand to loose their golden goose. Think of all the people who spent a lifetime building careers specialising in this or that disease, medications and treatments that go a long with it… think of all the hospitals and clinics universities big pharma and on and on we go… Would they just let go of all they know and built and board the train of healing with Chlorine Dioxide along with all the other un-patented natural world?  

Now lets add to the mix the possibility that someone somewhere has a believe that this planet can not sustain that many people, or that the owners of this realm believe they do not need so many minions to sustain their playground, since robots will soon do all of that soon and they, may not need to be entertained, or be looked after like humans do…  Could they have come up with a plan to sort this conundrum out? They sure do have the means to make it happened. 

And here comes a Jim Humble with an idea he can heal the world… And he is smart and understood the risk he was taking from the get go. He positioned himself in such a way that the knowledge he brought forward can not be suppressed… He said “if something happened to me – my book will be copyright free and available to all free of charge”.

Take those 2 narratives and you soon realise we are on a collision course. If one intend to reduce the population by means of disease, while transferring wealth by offering useless solutions, that not only help matters, but kill more people in the process. Do you think they’ll allow the public to discover there is ONE ultimate antidote for almost every pathogen they invent and on top of it, it cost peanuts too?

No! is the answer.

They tried hard to regulate it out of existence and jail all those who where providing it to the public, and was censored out of social media. But they were too late to the party – the knowledge, which comes from direct experience is undeniable and by now millions of people have experienced it first hand and pass the information to those they care about and beyond.

Despite all the ‘bleach’ scare mongering propaganda by authorities and mainstream media, their attempts to vilified Chlorine Dioxide was unsuccessful and as we hear from Dr Kalcker in this interview, and thanks to him, it is now widely used and legalised in many countries in South America.

This interview is long but full of amazing information.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Freda

    Will this “cure” be offered to the public without us having to do the mixing? The preparation is so confusing and the ingredients are not easily available.

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