Raccoon Medicine – What is that?

“Man sacrifices his health to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health… He lives as though he is never going to die and dies having never really lived.”

The Dalai Lama

My mom and dad fooling around on holiday

Once here, we can’t choose where we came from – but we can make lifestyle choices that improve our chance to thrive.

Usually an about page is full of very boring historic details or boasting about the business or person behind the site. But let’s be honest, are you really interested to find out about me, or are you here to find out what the information here could do for you? At least I hope that is why you are here!

Emotive Motive

Before we begin let me get one thing out of the way – I am not a qualified medical professional of any kind, but I love learning and sharing what I learn and that is why I am here!

My interest in health started early in life, probably because some of my nearest and dearest had health issues and didn’t stick around for very long. Nothing fancy or exotic – just  run of the mill; Over weight, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease at 40, dead at 55, that was my dad. But he was not alone, most of his siblings and some of my generation followed a similar pattern. So growing up surrounded by it, I was confronted with the reality of my ‘genetic inheritance’ and instinctively looked for ways to circumvent a similar fate and stay healthy for as long as possible.

Witnessing my dad’s and other’s short and unsuccessful journey relying on conventional medicine and medication, lead me to conclude it’s probably not the path I would choose for myself and there I was looking for better alternatives and that interest never faded. I was in my twenties when my dad died and that was in the 80’s, you do the math – it is a very long time to learn a thing or two about health.

After years of in depth research into many health issues, healing modalities and a lot of trials and some errors, I learned a lot… But if I need to sum it up with few simple bullet points I would say:

~ Nature has all the answers ~

~ Keep it simple ~ Go back to basics ~

~ Remedies should be available and affordable to all ~ Especially information! ~

Raccoon Medicine? What is that?

When I finally decided to share what I learned with the world and create this website, the first thing i needed to do was find a name for it. I wanted a name that would encapsulate the purpose and essence of this site, but my mind went blank and all the brainstorming ideas I came up with just didn’t seem right. It was time for some inspiration outside of myself! I pulled out the medicine cards from my bookshelf and unceremoniously shuffled the cards asking for help in finding an appropriate name for my site. I pulled only one card out of the pack and guess what, It was ‘Raccoon Medicine’ I was not familiar with ‘Raccoon Medicine’ so I read on:

“Raccoon carries the medicine of the protector of the underdog and provider for the young, infirm, and elderly. Often called “little bandit” by southern tribes, This Robin Hood of the animal kingdom teaches us about generosity and caring for others. When Raccoon comes your way, you are being asked to contact your inner warrior, to become a protector and generous provider for those in need. Raccoon medicine people have the uncanny ability to assist others without allowing them to become victims or dependent.”

Jamie Sams & David Carson | Medicine Cards


It was the perfect card! and the perfect name for my site…

Good things come to those who sign up

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