In this presentation Kerri Rivera takes us through the chemistry science of Chlorine Dioxide. It covers research papers into the efficacy of it, its uses, patents that uses it and a whole lot more. Below is a transcript of the first part of this presentation.
Thank you all so much for coming. Okay, so of course we have a disclaimer and I think it’s… we’re just going to clarify that I do not sell products, I do not work with anyone, I do not belong to a church.
There is a lot that we do not know because science does not support the research for further investigation into why Chlorine Dioxide helps to heal the symptoms of autism yet. We’re hoping to pull in some people that are interested in helping.
Why does chlorine dioxide help to heal the symptoms known as autism?
The diagnosis of autism to us means fungi, bacteria, virus, parasites, heavy metals, inflammation and autoimmune disorders.
Oxidation Strength versus Oxidation Capacity
Of our oxidative treatments there’s
- Ozone which is a 2.07, which is very strong.
- Hydrogen peroxide 1.78, still very strong,
- The body is about 1.28 to 1.30, so we want to always be underneath that so we don’t do any harm. And
- Chlorine Dioxide fits that perfectly at 0.95
and as you can see it’s still strong enough to kill the pathogens yet it doesn’t damage the body and that is probably the most important reason why, as a pro-oxidant, this is the key.
Chlorine Dioxide is a selective killer, meaning killing through oxidation.
Hydrogen peroxide and ozone are not.
Kerri Rivera, is Internationally Recognized Autism Author so much so that her book been banned and her presentations are constantly taken down by youtube.
However the Healing the symptoms known as Autism book is available to download as a PDF from
Chlorine Dioxide reactivity depends on the pH.
Chlorine Dioxide reacts differently in the presence of acid and alkaline. CD is more reactive the more acid the pathogen is, which is one of the reasons why, when we see the detox in some of our kids early on, it can just be that there’s a whole lot of pathogens, so there’s going to be a lot more acidity. And of course, we’re going to have a lot more reaction. The more acidic the pathogen the stronger the oxidation potential.
Chlorine Dioxide is no miracle … it’s just wonderful chemistry.
This is the piece de resistance and what I really like about this one is it all kind of comes to why this works because I think for a couple years we were just all thrilled that it worked and now of course as Sue Ellen was saying it really has a lot to do with the chemistry.
- Chlorine Dioxide takes up an electron and it reduces to chlorite.
- Chlorite ion then gains four more electrons and becomes chloride.
- During the process where CD becomes Chloride, the chlorine portion of the atom does not take part in the reaction until stable chloride is formed.
- This is why no chlorinated substances are formed when Chlorine Dioxide is used as an oxidizing agent.
What is chloride chloride?
- 87% of chlorine dioxide is finishing as Chloride.
- It is chloride, not chlorine.
- Chloride is one of the most important electrolytes in the blood.
- It helps to keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of the cell and balance.
- It also helps maintain proper blood volume blood pressure and pH of our body fluids.
The chloride matrix
- The chloride matrix, which is CLO2– (minus)
- chlorine dioxide CLO2,
They’re different, although they look very similar, is the actual item that chemically breaks down to a form that can be delivered to, and used by the cells to self-repair, and restore the ‘Krebs cycle function’.
So, in Autism we’ve heard about the krebs cycle and the issues of the krebs cycle. This is one of the big reasons also why it’s healing our bodies and not harming our bodies.
Is Chlorine Dioxide the same is Sodium Hypochlorite?
Sodium Hypochlorite is really a laundry bleach. Although they have similar names and elements, they are very dissimilar
The commonality of the name arises from the fact that they all contain the element chlorine but their properties are quite different.
Chlorine and Hypochlorite are powerful oxidizing agents but more importantly the reaction with organic matter can lead to unacceptable concentration of chlorinated organic compounds via substitution reactions.
Chlorine Dioxide is non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic and is relatively non-irritating unlike Chlorine and Hypochlorite.
How can CD kill microbes while leaving human cells unharmed?
Chlorine Dioxide deactivates microorganisms by breaking the bacterial cell wall, or, in the case of viruses by loosening the viral envelope.
This action occurs immediately upon exposure.
Human tissue is not affected by it.
This comes from Frontier Pharmaceuticals.
Using Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide is used to detoxify. It is made by combining sodium chloride with a mild acid such as citric acid or hydrochloric acid. It is started at very low amounts and always taken diluted.
It is used orally first and as full dose is reached an enema with Chlorine Dioxide is added to detoxify the liver, the gallbladder and the lymph system as well as kill pathogens in the colon. If there’s constipation it’s of added benefit for the person.
The dosage is increase based on weight or as tolerated.
The book describes in detail how to use with easy to follow directions and dosage by weight.
Of course, we always follow the lead of the body, we don’t just necessarily look at what a table says. We always want to make sure that we’re listening and we’re not pushing. We’re inviting the body to heal.
Chlorine Dioxide and Bacteria
Chlorine Dioxide kills bacteria by attacking the physiological function of the cell, including the disruption of protein synthesis.
Chlorine Dioxide alters the permeability of the outer cell membrane.
Chlorine Dioxide diffuses through a protective layer of the cell and inactivates pathogens from the inside out. It prohibits both the anaerobic and the aerobic bacteria from developing resistance and eliminates the need to alternate biocide treatments.
A quote from the New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine is:
“Chlorine Dioxide is an oxidizer that effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses”.
How does Chlorine Dioxide work?
Chlorine Dioxide is an oxidizing biocide not a metabolic poison.
CD deactivates microorganisms by attacking and penetrating their cell wall, disrupting the transport of nutrients across the cell wall and inhibiting protein synthesis.
Since this action occurs regardless of the metabolic state of the organism, oxidizing biocides are effective against dormant organisms and spores like Giardia Cysts and Polio virus.
Chlorine Dioxide, which is Clo2, is a solution with a septic body function, i.e. a state free of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, flagellates, fungi, parasites etc. is achieved in the body.
Chlorine dioxide helps the body to Heal by selective oxidation of these pathogens – by increasing alkalinity our body is able to recover.
Tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO) which is TCDO is a chlorite derivative. The chlorite matrix is a generic form of TCDO. It is a combination of chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide, making it patentable and lucrative, costing about six thousand US dollars of treatment yet not as good as Chlorine Dioxide.
The test was run through the National Institute of Health.
WUF10 – phase 2 Trials
WF10 is an immunokine which contains the chlorite ion matrix/TCDO in clinical indications including inoperable pancreatic cancers and other inflammatory conditions.
WF10 has reduced chemo and radiation induced mucositis.
These are from the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management in the Journal of Medical Association of Thailand
Chlorine Dioxide is in our drinking water and it’s there to protect from harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
Destroying Pathogens
Chlorine Dioxide destroys microorganisms including viruses, bacteria fungi (candida) and parasites that cause various diseases.
Viruses are removed by a different mechanism as bacteria and other microorganisms: Chlorine Dioxide prevents the formation of special proteins necessary for viral growth, through denaturation which causes the destruction of the virus.
The elimination of pathogens generally takes between four hours and four weeks but is often less than one week.
This is true for all forms of infection other microorganisms, and have been reported as well for blood diseases like leukemia.
Oxidation of Heavy Metals
Chlorine Dioxide oxidizes the heavy metals in the body. There have been a number of hair analysis where the roots of the person’s hair were tested before and after taking Chlorine Dioxide. About two weeks later there was no heavy metals, including mercury, lead and others. This is a good indication of the absence or presence of heavy metals.
The oxidation of heavy metals is not the same thing as chelating, butt the results are similar.
When a heavy metal is Oxidized, it is simply neutralized and then can be eliminated by the body.
Is CD Safe and Environmentally \friendly?
There are many reasons why chlorine dioxide is safe and friendly.
Environmentally, the byproducts formed when using Chlorine Dioxide are benign. Compare this to chlorinated byproducts formed when using chlorine or hypochlorite and you can see why so many pulp and paper mills use Chlorine Dioxide. They have virtually eliminated toxins, e.g. the trichloroethane from their waste streams, all of which used to pose significant risk for the environment.
Toxicological studies have shown Chlorine Dioxide and it’s disinfection byproduct, chlorite, pose no significant risk to human, animal or fish health. Chlorine Dioxide gas was first introduced into drinking water disinfection in 1944 at Niagara Falls.
Today over 1,000 municipal water treatment processes use chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine Dioxide is NOT a Carcinogen
There is no evidence that chlorine dioxide is a carcinogen.
Chlorine is not a carcinogen either. Eliminating the association between chlorine and chlorine dioxide as a potential source as well. Chlorine kills by chlorination not by oxidation like Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide can be found in toothpaste and mouthwash and other mouth products.
It is also used to treat drinking water and to rinse fruits, vegetables and meat before going to market. Making claims of its status as a carcinogen is baseless.
Peer Reviews
Peer review EPA studies of Chlorine Dioxide from September of 2000 show no human damage of any in the studies and 87% of the end product is chloride, one of the most important electrolytes in the blood that the body needs.
There are no studies that show harm to humans, and no studies at all that show that cancer can be caused with Chlorine Dioxide.
The study of CD is very well documented and peer-reviewed by the EPA.
The Body Uses Chlorine for:
- Regulation of electrical functions of the cells, nerves and brains working properly.
- Keeps the body’s acid-base balance.
- Cell volume regulation so the cells don’t explode.
- Eyesight
- Bone building.
- Metabolism (the process of turning food into energy).
- The inhibitory action of glycine and some of the action of GABA relies on the entry of chlorine into specific neurons.
Some of the studies under controlled clinical conditions… EPA Says Chlorine Dioxide is safe to ingest!
The three phases of this controlled double-blind clinical evaluation of chlorine dioxide and is potential metabolites in human male volunteer subjects were completely uneventful. There were no obvious undesirable clinical consequences noted by any of the participating subjects.
The relative safety of oral ingestion of Chlorine Dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated.
The lab confirms drinking Chlorine Dioxide is safe for human and removes biofilms!
Chlorine Dioxide, the so-called “ideal biocide”, does not cause any harm to humans or animals. Drinking Chlorine Dioxide solution is practically harmless for animals and human beings while the same aqueous solution can be a very effective and a rapid killer for bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Chlorine Dioxide can remove biofilm swiftly, can penetrate into biofilms rapidly to reach and kill microbes living within the film.
More proof that chlorine dioxide is safe to take
The results were: no Chlorine Dioxide gas-related toxicity sign was observed during the entire study. The conclusion that CD gas, continuous for six months, was not toxic and under a condition that was simulating the conventional lifestyle in humans.
Two Peer Reviewed Studies Confirm Chlorine Dioxide Kills the Flu Virus
- We demonstrate that infection of mice induced by aerosols of influenza A virus was prevented by chlorine dioxide gas at an extremely low concentration.
- Chlorine Dioxide gas could therefore be useful as a preventative means against influenza in places of human activity without necessitating evacuation.
- The results presented in this paper clearly demonstrates that inactivation of influenza virus by Chlorine Dioxide is due to oxidation.
- Chlorine Dioxide is more efficient at killing viruses Than Iodine
- Chlorine Dioxide inactivated polio virus more efficiently and was a more efficient virucidal agent than iodine.
- Chlorine Dioxide has proven to kill multiple viruses including the human influenza virus, the measles virus, and the human herpes virus.
- Chlorine Dioxide at concentrations from 1 to 100 parts per million produced potent antiviral activity, inactivating 99.9% of the viruses with a 15 second treatment.
The European Commission Designates Sodium Chlorite as a Medicinal Product for ALS
- Sodium Chlorite is a precursor to Chlorine Dioxide and is also an oxidizing agent.
- The Commission implementing decision was June 6 of 2013.
- The medicinal products Sodium Chlorite is designated as an orphan medicinal product for ALS.
Can organisms build up resistance to Chlorine Dioxide?
Metabolic poisons such as antibiotics can lead to organism resistance. With continued sub-acute exposure, resistance is common.
Chlorine dioxide is not a metabolic poison and resistance is not possible.
Paracelsus, the founder of the discipline of toxicology in the 1400s, stated that all substances are poison: there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy.
- So, if you have too much salt to drink, if you drink too much water you can die.
- Nitroglycerine widens blood vessels and also makes dynamite.
- Coumadin is a blood thinner and a rat poison
- Visine has boric acid
Deadly Facts about Water
- I think the slide is pretty funny and I think it’s kind of six degrees of separation that I think has been like a catch-22 for us. It says:
- Fact – water can be chemically synthesized by burning rocket fuel
- Overconsumption can cause temporary deafness, hair loss and even death
- 100% of all serial killers and drug dealers have admitted to drinking water
- Can you see where this one is going?
- Water is one of the primary ingredients in herbicides and pesticides
- 100% of the people exposed to water will die
- Water is the leading cause of drowning
So, avoid water, right?
The FDA uses CD to prevent disease by putting it on our fruits, vegetables and meats before we ingest them.
No One Should Publicly Make Statements That Chlorine Dioxide is the Same as “Bleach” Those who call CD “bleach” are endangering the lives of those who read any such deliberate deception or misinformation stated out of ignorance.
We have probably all seen warnings not to mix cleaning chemicals – specifically bleach and ammonia – because toxic gas is produced. What we all call “bleach” is sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO).
We have ammonia inside of us as a waste product. If Chlorine Dioxide was the same as bleach or if CD chlorinated anything we will be poisoned when it mixed with the ammonia inside of us. Just as CD is used for environmental, for Element Chlorine Free pulp mills because it does not chlorinate anything CD does not react with ammonia. This is one of the most important differences between CD and bleach and why it is not at all accurate to think that they are equal in potential harm or benefit.
If anyone ever thought CD and bleach were equal they might try using bleach instead of Chlorine Dioxide. Bleach would be dangerous, toxic and potentially fatal.
While Chlorine Dioxide is safe, particularly because it does not chlorinate and because it does not react with ammonia.
The toxicology of Chlorine Dioxide has been studied extensively, particularly with regard to exposure through ingestion, because chlorine dioxide is widely used in disinfection and food sanitation Applications.
The United States EPA has established a Reference Dose based on findings of a two-generation reproduction drinking water study in rats that identify a No Observed Adverse Effect level, so even at the lowest level and in the higher level of this, the 70 parts per million chloride.
The reference dose has been used by the US EPA to derive drinking water standards including a Maximum Residual Disinfectant level of zero point eight parts per million for chlorine dioxide and a Maximum Contaminant Level of one point zero parts per million for chlorite ion, the principal breakdown product of chlorine dioxide.
- Drinking water is by far the largest source of human oral exposure to chlorine dioxide and chlorite.
- Non-Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide from Frontier Pharmaceuticals.
- Many evaluations have shown Chlorine Dioxide compounds to be non-toxic.
- Five decades of use have not indicated any adverse effects on health due to Chlorine Dioxide.
- Toxicology tests include ingestion of CD in drinking water and more viruses were inactivated inside the cell.
- This is particularly impressive considering that most virucides are cytotoxic, even at high dilutions.
- Example, four thousand seeds heavily infected with bacteria were soaked for half an hour in Chlorine Dioxide and no bacteria remained after this period and the seeds grew normally
- The United States government used Chlorine Dioxide to destroy Anthrax
- CD played a hero in 2001 when it was used to destroy the deadly spores at the US Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.
Patents on Chlorine Dioxide
Some of them are in the IU’s, some are for HIV infections, some are used in food additives.
This one I think is extremely interesting because if in fact chlorine dioxide was toxic, number five – they would not be using it to disinfect live blood because obviously that’s going to be going to sick people and you’d probably make someone pretty sick.
Against bacterial infections, regeneration of bone marrow, again you’re not going to use bone marrow in somebody who is healthy and the regeneration of bone marrow obviously would be beneficial.
Treatment of Alzheimer’s and dementia, immune system stimulation animals, immunological system stimulation, once again, injuries ingestion obviously, and is pretty good stuff to combat human amoebas too.
So, over-the-counter products with Chlorine Dioxide, most of them are for mouth, oral, canker, sores etc.
Side effects or Herxheimer, that is the Question
A side effect is something that a drug leaves, and can last forever even after the drug is no longer being consumed.
A Herxheimer reaction is a temporary symptom that means we are killing pathogens faster than the body can keep up with. When we slow down the detoxification process, the detox organs catch up and the symptom of the Herxheimer ends.
What I like to do is avoid all that all together and just go really, really low and slow.
Using MMS now for recent dx of uterine CA found in the fibroid completely contained in the uterus. I am starting out slow, have 24 days before my 1st PET scan… was 1 month ago June 28/2021….I have no doubt I will be cancer free…..eating organic and follow most of the guidelines of a healthy lifestyle. I am keeping records so I can show proof of my experience. I am also an RN.
I am so happy I learned all about MMS 11 years ago because when your doctor tells you, ‘you’ve got cancer’ I knew what my plan was and was not surprised at all. Emotionally I am intact.