Deep Sleep and Vitamin D

  • Post category:Vitamins

Dr. Stasha Gominak discusses how vitamin D (from the sun) is needed to improve the stability of gut bacteria, which in turn help synthesise B vitamins necessary to facilitate deep sleep.

Dr. Gominak MD who concentrate on treating neurological illness by improving sleep. She published a pivotal article in 2012 proposing that the global struggle with worsening sleep was linked to reduced sun exposure.

In 2016 she followed with a second article linking the change in the intestinal microbiome to the epidemic of poor sleep, and described a simple process for normalizing sleep and the intestinal bacterial population, called RightSleep®.

In 2016 she retired from office practice to have more time to teach. She currently divides her time between teaching individuals, through virtual coaching sessions and teaching clinicians from a wide variety of medical and dental fields. Her popular courses and lectures help clinicians improve their patients’ health and wellbeing by improving their sleep.

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