Vaccine Lottery – Who Shall Live & Who Will Die

The division between the ‘Get Vaccinated or else’ and the ‘no way Jose AntiVaxers’ is very clear, the reasons and paths leading to each position are explored by many the world over and would be a topic I will cover in other posts. But there is another kind of division within the vaccinated group: Those who suffered mild short term side effects, and those who are seriously injured, left disabled for life, or as figures increasingly show, have died! The true facts and figures regarding the ‘safe and effective’ myth are heavily guarded by the powers that be – ranging from massaging the figures to suit the preferred narrative, censoring questioning voices, sharing personal stories of side effects gets you de-platformed or canceled…

It is the disparity of the after effect that troubled many scientists and big pharma insiders with a conscience, integrity and spunk, which led them to come together and properly investigate the reason behind the phenomena. What they found is even more troubling because the facts as they stand show intent to harm, which is hard to deny or dismiss.

As per usual the devil is in the detail and those details indeed paint a diabolical picture. All findings can be found  here and here and are clearly presented in the videos herein.

The 2 presentations below are from the members of the Enigma team showing the finding of their research and explaining a long the way the various industry standards and the laws and regulation they have to abide by which were, and still are, clearly being violated not just by one company but by all 3 mRNA vaccine producing companies – Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen.


ADULTERATED Vaccines Lots could carry significant legal penalties

The first presentation by Alexandra Latypova;  researcher,  analyst and Biotech CEO. In this presentation variability between Flu vaccine lots with variability between Covid vaccine lots are compared showing shocking EXCESSIVE and HIGHLY UNUSUAL degree of variation between different lots of the Covid vaccines.


When the same number of Covid vaccines were compared, there was found to be huge variation – with many lots producing 5 or fewer severe adverse reactions, but many others producing 1000-5000 severe adverse reactions. 

Under FDA regulations, such high variation between different lots and between different manufacturers means the drugs are ADULTERATED, and carries significant legal penalties. Such variation may also negate EUA authorisation – which is only granted based on consistency of the product.

“Compelling evidence of premeditated mass murder” Reiner Fuellmich

Dr. Mike Yeadon Presents to the Corona Committee members the latest evidence. In this presentation you will find an in depth discussion into the finding of the enigma team which clearly demonstrate the fact that not all vaccine batches are created equally and what conclusions can be drawn in the face of this compelling evidence of premeditated mass murder, as Reiner Fuellmich puts it.



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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Denise Pope

    Invaluable information.

  2. Paul

    Excellent narrative, thank you very much for the great reporting and sharing of information

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