The game of Russian Roulette people the world over are being forced to play with their health is finally unraveling. Could the cause of the vast disparity in peoples post jab state of health, injuries or even death be attributed to variated ingredients and dosage distinguished by job lots codes used in cahoots by all 3 main GeneJab riggers in search of a fatal dose combo? This it turns out – is the finding of a team of brilliant & brave individuals, some of which are undisclosed individuals and some are named and known like: Mike Yeadon, Jessica Rose, Craig Paardekooper, Alexandra Latypova and Walter Wagner.
The Team who call themselves ‘Enigma’ have analysed the available data sourced from Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a public database of over 700,000 adverse reaction reports for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen Covid 19 shots in the USA. Their finding can be found here and here
But what if the Jab Russian Roulette game is rigged? What if particular lots are pre-assigned to particular individuals? What if particular lots are destined to be used on targeted genetic makeup, or ethnic groups? Or a segment of the population that outlived their usefulness, or their life insurance timeline?
Dr Jane Ruby and Stew Peters unpacked it in the following short segments
Team Enigma member Alexandra Latypova joins Stew to discuss their findings
Team Enigma member Craig Paardekooper explains their work
Someone in power needs to make the decision to stop all vaccinations for covid and all variants.
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